Adding Shortcuts
You can create shortcuts to form objects, to toolbars, menu items, and ribbons, and to most model nodes in the Model Builder. Shortcuts are available in application method code as Java variables, like other declarations, but the variables for shortcuts are read-only variables.
In the Settings window for such objects and model nodes, there is a Create Shortcut button () to the right of the Name field (Label field in the Model Builder). When you click that button, a Create Shortcut window opens, where you can edit the Name of the shortcut (by default, it is the same as the name of the object for which you create the shortcut). You can also create a shortcut using Ctrl+K. Created shortcuts appear in the Shortcuts node () under Declarations. You can only create one shortcut for each object. If you try to create another shortcut when one exists already, click the Rename Shortcut () button. The Rename Shortcut window then opens, where you can edit the name of the shortcut.
Shortcuts are automatically updated when you rename, move, copy, or duplicate objects.
The Shortcuts node’s Settings window contains the following section.
List of Shortcuts
In the Name column, you can edit the names of the shortcuts, if needed. The Target column lists the full names of the target objects. In the Description column, you can edit the descriptions of the shortcuts.
Use the Move Up (), Move Down (), and Delete () toolbar buttons to organize and remove shortcuts from the list. Click the Go to Source button () to move to the object to which the selected shortcut refers.