The Graphics Data Node
The Graphics Data node () contains options for all properties used for data picking in the Graphics windows.
The Settings window contains the following sections.
Initial Values
Enter the initial coordinates for the data as comma-separated values in the Coordinate field.
Enter the initial value for the results evaluation in plots in the Results evaluation field.
Initial Values for 3D Geometry Source
In this section you define the 3D geometry source for 3D probes.
From the Geometric entity level list, choose Domain (the default) or Boundary.
Under Domain settings, choose a Line entry method: Point and surface normal, Point and direction, Two points, or None. For the Depth along line, enter a value between 0 and 1, and for the Point being modified, choose First point or Second point.
The values defined here for the results evaluation, geometric entity level, depth along line, and point being modified are available as sources in, for example, input field objects. They are also available with Set Value commands in the Choose Commands to Run section for buttons, for example.