Additional Source
Use the Additional Source node () to add an additional rate expression (SI unit: mol/m3) and/or an additional volumetric production rate (SI unit: m3/s) to the mass balance of certain species.
Add the node from the Reaction Engineering toolbar or right-click Reaction Engineering and add it from the context menu.
Additional Volumetric Production Rate
An additional Additional volumetric production rate can be added for some of the available reactor types, namely CSTR, constant mass/generic, CSTR, constant volume, or Semi.
Additional Rate Expression
Here, values or expressions describing additional rates can be entered for selected Species in the column denoted Additional rate expression (mol/m^3*s) within the Volumetric species table.
Additional surface species Rate
Here, values or expressions describing additional surface species rates can be entered for selected Surface species in the column denoted Additional rate expression (mol/m^2*s) within the Surface species table.