Reaction Sources (Reactive Pellet Bed)
The Reaction Sources subnode to the Reactive Pellet Bed is used to define reaction terms to the transport within the reactive pellets. The feature also defines the corresponding averaged heat sources to be applied to heat transport in the bulk fluid.
Domain Selection
From the Selection list, choose the domains on which to define rate expression or expressions that govern source terms in the transport equations.
Several Reaction Sources nodes can be used to account for different reactions in different parts for the modeling geometry.
Reaction Rates
Select a reaction rate (SI unit: kg/(m3·s)) for species i from Rwi list. Enter a reaction rate expression when User defined is selected from the list. Alternatively, if reaction rate expressions have been defined in a Chemistry interface, they can be chosen from the list.
reacting volume
When specifying reaction rates for a species in the pellet, the specified reaction rate may have the basis of the pore volume, or the total volume. With the Pore volume selected, the reaction expression in kg/(m3·s) will be multiplied by pellet’s porosity εpe.
Heat Source
Specify the heat source originating from the heat of reaction of the chemical reactions inside the pellet. When using several pellet types, heat sources for each type can be added.
The heat sources are most conveniently picked up from a Chemistry interface that defines the reaction rate and the heat of reactions. In that case, the heat source expression can be selected from the list. Otherwise you can enter an expression in the text field.
The defined heat source can be used by a Heat Source feature in any of the heat transfer interfaces.