The Stefan Velocity
Heterogeneous reactions on fluid-solid surfaces can affect the mass, momentum, and energy balances at the interface separating the fluid and the solid. On the reacting surface, the production or destruction rate, rs,i (SI unit: mol/(m2·s)), of a fluid phase species is balanced by the total mass flux of the species. The mass balance for species i on a boundary representing a fluid-solid interface is given by:
Here, n is the unit normal pointing out of the fluid domain, u is the mass averaged velocity of the fluid mixture (SI unit: m/s), ji denotes the mass flux of species i relative to relative to the mixture (typically due to diffusion), and Mi is the species molar mass (SI unit: kg/mol). Summing the mass balances at the surface, over all species, results in an effective mixture velocity:
referred to as the Stefan velocity, here denoted us. To reach Equation 3-116 the fact that the sum of all mass fractions is one, and that the sum of all relative diffusive fluxes is zero, was used.
Equation 3-116 implies that surface reactions result in a net flux between the surface and the domain. A net flux in turn corresponds to an effective convective velocity at the domain boundary; the Stefan velocity. It should be noted here that when solving for mass transport inside a fluid domain, an outer boundary of the domain corresponds to a position just outside of the actual physical wall (on the fluid side). The domain boundary does not coincide with the physical wall.
In most reacting flow models, the species mass fractions in the fluid domain are solved for without including the surface concentrations (mol per area) on exterior walls. One reason for this is that the surface reaction rates are often not known. In this case, surface reactions can be modeled either by applying a mass flux or prescribing the mass fraction, or a combination of both, on fluid boundaries adjacent to the reacting surface. The Stefan velocity on a fluid domain boundary is then defined as the net mass flux resulting from the boundary conditions applied:
Here, the first term contains contributions from boundary conditions prescribing the mass flux, while the second contains contributions from boundary conditions prescribing the mass fractions. Contributions to the Stefan velocity can be added by selecting Account for Stefan velocity in the Flux or Mass Fraction features in The Transport of Concentrated Species interface.
The resulting Stefan velocity based on mass transport boundary conditions is computed as:
Using a Reacting Flow interface, the Stefan velocity, defined in the manner of Equation 3-118, is automatically computed and applied on boundaries corresponding to walls in the coupled fluid flow interface. The Stefan velocity is prescribed in the wall normal direction on the wall selection.