If Pressure is Static, and the reference pressure pref, defined at the physics interface level, is equal to 0, the value of the pressure p0, at the boundary, is the absolute pressure. Otherwise, p0 is the relative pressure at the boundary.
If Pressure is Total, the Average check box is available and selected by default to prescribed the averaged total pressure in the weak forms. If it is unselected, the total pressure is imposed pointwise.
The Normal flow option changes the no tangential stress condition to a no tangential velocity condition. This forces the flow to exit (or enter) the domain perpendicularly to the outlet boundary.
The Suppress backflow check box is selected by default. This option adjusts the outlet pressure in order to reduce the amount of fluid entering the domain through the boundary.
Flow rate, V0. Two-dimensional models also require an Entrance thickness, Dz, which is the out-of-plane thickness of the extruded entrance channel.