Storage Model
Inserting Darcy’s law (Equation 7-13) into the continuity equation produces the generalized governing equation
Represent this equation fully in COMSOL Multiphysics because relationships between density or permeability can be freely specified, for example, and pressure, temperature, concentration, and so on.
Expand the time-derivative term in Equation 7-16
Define the porosity and the density as functions of the pressure, and apply the chain rule
Insert the definition of fluid compressibility χf = (1/ρ)(∂ρ/∂p) to the right-hand side and rearrange to arrive at
Using this relation, the generalized governing equation (Equation 7-16) takes the following form:
In this equation, S is the storage coefficient (SI unit: 1/Pa), which can be interpreted as the weighted compressibility of the porous material and the fluid. The storage S can be an expression involving results from a solid-deformation equation or an expression involving temperatures and concentrations from other analyses. The Darcy’s Law interface implements Equation 7-17 using the Storage Model node, which explicitly includes an option to define S as the linearized storage (SI unit: 1/Pa) using the compressibility of fluids and porous matrix.