Thermodynamic Properties Definitions
The thermodynamic properties provided are listed as species and mixture property in a Property package.
Ideal Gas
The ideal gas law is independent of composition and determines V at given T and P. Density can be calculated from
The partial fugacity coefficients
The ideal gas enthalpy for mixture
where Hi,ig,Tref relates the enthalpy of an ideal gas to the enthalpy at the selected reference state for species i.
The ideal gas entropy for species i
where Si,ig,Tref is the entropy of an ideal gas to the entropy of species at the selected reference state.
The Gibbs free energy follows from
Equation of State
The equation of state determines V at given x, T, and P. Density can be expressed as Equation 9-101. The partial fugacity coefficients are derived from
where Vi is the partial molar volume. The enthalpy, entropy, and Gibbs free energy follow from the partial fugacity coefficients and the ideal gas contributions as:
Heat Capacity
Heat capacity at constant pressure is calculated from
It is available when enthalpy is available. Heat capacity at constant volume is defined by
The relationship between heat capacity at constant pressure and constant volume can be expressed as:
were v is a function of T and P. A Taylor expansion of vat constant composition gives
Rearranging equations above gives
Cv is available if Cp and volume are available and fluid is compressible by means of volume is pressure dependent. For ideal gas Equation 9-112 express as
Specific heat capacity ratio is defined as
Activity Coefficient Models
The enthalpy, entropy, and Gibbs free energy follow from the activity coefficients and the ideal gas contributions in Equation 9-103Equation 9-105. The activity coefficients describe the deviation of chemical potentials from the ideal liquid phase, so heats of vaporization need to be accounted for
Note that if the vapor phase is ideal, then the saturated fugacity, , contribution can be ignored.
Other Properties
Partial fugacity is calculated from
Internal energy is calculated from
where Ui,ig,ref is the enthalpy of an ideal gas to the species enthalpy at the selected reference state.
Helmholts energy is calculated from
K-values for phases p and q are taken from
If only liquid phases are defined, the K-value calculation is reduced to