Common Simplifications When Modeling Electrochemical Cells
Should I Model in 3D Or Can I Model in 1D?
Many electrochemical systems use repetitive unit cells of high aspect ratio. In these cases, the lumped effect of edge phenomena in the system will be small. For example, in fuel cells or batteries it is often possible to use one-dimensional geometries with little loss of detail. Consider also any mirror or rotational symmetries. Reducing the geometry dimension where possible, either exactly or approximately, will reduce the meshing and solving time significantly.
Neglecting the Charge Transfer and potential gradients in Electrodes
The voltage over the surface of an electrode is typically constant — or very nearly constant — since it is a good conductor. This implies that it is either the intrinsic resistance of the electrolyte or the rate of the electrochemical reaction at the electrode-electrolyte interface that controls the amount of current drawn in an electrochemical cell. On the assumption of a constant surface voltage, the electrode domain itself need not be modeled, and the coupling of charge and mass transport at its surface treated by an Electrode Surface node.
However, when modeling porous and gas diffusion electrodes the metal phase potential is need typically to be included since the conductivity of the metal phase potential can be much lower in this type of electrodes. This is done in the Porous Electrode nodes.
Half-cell models
Often, an investigator is only interested in the chemistry taking place at one electrode in a cell. A model of one electrode is called a “half-cell model”.
This would correspond to an experimental situation where the electrode of interest — be it anode or cathode — is classified as the working electrode, and the other electrode is called the counter electrode.
One usually ignores the kinetics of the counter electrode in a model; commonly it is represented by a constant potential boundary condition. Such a model is only valid if the counter electrode can draw arbitrarily large amounts of current compared to the working electrode, so that it never limits the current flow in the electrochemical cell.
Replacing thin layers with boundary conditions
When considering a layer that is very thin compared to other dimensions in the geometry, it is usually correct to treat that layer using a physical condition, rather than meshing it.
One important example is the catalyst layer in a fuel cell. Since this layer is only nanometers in size, transport across it is very fast compared to other parts of the system. Hence, it is not necessary to resolve a distribution of concentrations or potentials through the layer.
Another example is the passivation layer on an oxidized electrode surface, for which the “Thin Film Resistance” setting can be used. Because the layer is much thinner than its surroundings, the electric field through it is almost constant. Therefore, an ohmic expression can be substituted to create a boundary condition with a potential drop. This is much more efficient than meshing a geometrically narrow layer.
Infinite Elements for Steady-State Electroanalysis
For microelectrodes, the diffusion profile may approach a steady state whose size is much larger than that of the working electrode of interest. In such an example, it is preferable to circumscribe the simulation space to a region not more than about twenty-five times the electrode size - assuming that the surrounding electrolyte is uniform. Applying a bulk boundary condition such as a fixed concentration at this finite distance causes inaccuracy in the solution, however.
It is better to use a layer of Infinite Elements around the finite simulation space to project the simulation space to infinity, eliminating any error from artificially limiting the simulation space. This is a typical approximation when the electrolyte domain is a few orders of magnitude larger than the electrode: for example, a microelectrode in a cm-scale reaction vessel.
Infinite Elements, Perfectly Matched Layers, and Absorbing Layers in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual