Theory for the Free and Porous Media Flow Interface
The Free and Porous Media Flow Interface uses the Navier-Stokes equations to describe the flow in open regions, and the Brinkman equations to describe the flow in porous regions.
The same fields, u and p, are solved for in both the free flow domains and in the porous domains. This means that the pressure in the free fluid and the pressure in the pores is continuous over the interface between a free flow domain and a porous domain. It also means that continuity is enforced between the fluid velocity in the free flow and the Darcy velocity in the porous domain. This treatment is one of several possible models for the physics at the interface. Examples of other models can be found in Ref. 1.
The continuity in u and p implies a stress discontinuity at the interface between a free-flow domain and a porous domain. The difference corresponds to the stress absorbed by the rigid porous matrix, which is a consequence implicit in the formulations of the Navier-Stokes and Brinkman equations.