Porous Matrix Double Layer Capacitance
Use the Porous Matrix Double Layer Capacitance subnode to define a non-faradaic double layer current density at the interface between the porous electrode matrix and the electrolyte. The node can be added as subnode to a Porous Electrode node.
The resulting double layer current source in the Porous Electrode domain depends on the time derivative of the potentials and is proportional to both the Electrical double layer capacitance Cdl (SI unit: F/m2) and the Double layer area av,dl (SI unit: 1/m).
Note that for stationary problems the double layer current is zero.
This node is not available for the Primary Current Distribution interface.
Use the settings of the Stoichiometry section (not available in the Primary or Secondary Current Distribution interfaces) to control what species are participating in the double layer charging — that is, the mass exchange between the double layer and the electrolyte outside the double layer.