Reaction Sources
Use the Reaction Sources node to define mass source terms from one or more chemical reactions. Both homogeneous reactions as well as heterogeneous reactions occurring in a porous media can be studied. The node also includes the possibility to pick up automatically defined source term definitions from a Chemistry physics interface.
Add an expression for the reaction mass source, Ri, for each individual species present, except for the one computed from the mass constraint (see Species). Enter a value or expression in the field for the corresponding species.
Select the Mass transport to other phases check box if mass is leaving or entering the fluid as a result of the reactions, for instance due to condensation or vaporization in a porous matrix. In this case the mass source for the species calculated from the mass constraint can also be specified. The net mass transfer corresponds to the sum of the mass sources for all species.
Reacting Volume
When specifying reaction sources for a species in porous media, the specified mass source may have the basis of the total volume, or the pore volume. For nonporous domains, the Reacting Volume setting has no impact.
For Total volume, the reaction mass source expressions are specified per unit volume of the model domain.
For Pore volume, the reaction mass source expressions are specified per unit volume pore space. In this case the reaction mass sources will be multiplied by the domain porosity εp (εp equals unity for nonporous domains).