Voltage Source
The Voltage Source () feature connects a voltage source between two nodes in the electrical circuit.
Node Connections
Set the two Node names for the connecting nodes for the voltage source. The first node represents the positive reference terminal.
Device Parameters
Enter the Source type that should be adapted to the selected study type. It can be DC-source, AC-source, or a time-dependent Sine source or Pulse source. Depending on the choice of source, also specify the following parameters:
For a DC-source, the Voltage Vsrc (default value: 1 V). DC-sources are active in Stationary and Time-Dependent studies.
For an AC-source: the Voltage Vsrc (default value: 1 V) and the Phase Θ (default value: 0 rad). AC-sources are active in Frequency Domain studies only.
For a sine source: the Voltage Vsrc (default value: 1 V), the Offset Voff (default value: 0 V), the Frequency (default value: 1 kHz), and the Phase Θ (default value: 0 rad). The sine sources are active in Time-Dependent studies and also in Stationary studies, providing that a value for t has been provided as a model parameter or global variable.
For a pulse source: the Voltage Vsrc (default value: 1 V), the Offset Voff (default value: 0 V), the Delay td (default value: 0s), the Rise time tr and Fall time tf (default values: 0 s), the Pulse width pw (default value: 1 μs), and the Period Tper (default value: 2 μs). The pulse sources are active in Time-Dependent studies and also in Stationary studies, providing that a value for t has been provided as a model parameter or global variable.
All values are peak values rather than RMS.