Interior Normal Velocity
The Interior Normal Velocity sets up an interior source that can be used to model a thin vibrating structure, for example, a loudspeaker diaphragm. Add this node from the Interior Conditions submenu.
The pressure is discontinuous across this boundary. Use the up and down version of the postprocessing variables to visualize quantities on the two sides of the boundary, for example, the up side total pressure is pabe.p_t_up.
Interior Normal Velocity
Select a Type: Velocity (the default) or Normal velocity.
For Velocity enter values for the components of the Velocity v0
(SI unit: m/s).
For Normal velocity enter the value of the Normal velocity vn (SI unit: m/s) in the normal direction.
Physics Symbols
Select Show physics symbols to show the normal direction as a symbol (red arrow) in the Graphics window (selected per default).