Computing the Displacement in the Elastic Waves, Time Explicit
The Elastic Waves, Time Explicit interface solves for the velocity v and the strain E. It is sometimes useful to also compute the displacement u. This comes at an additional computational cost as an additional equation needs to be solved. The cost depends on where the displacement evaluation is required, in a point, on an edge, on a boundary, or in a domain. In all cases the simple ODE related the displacement and the velocity:
If the displacement is required on a space dimension lower than the current, use one of the ODE and DAE Interfaces applied to the selection needed. The time explicit interface and solver support solving ODEs also.
If the displacement field is needed in a domain of the current space dimension, then add a Wave Form PDE interface to the desired selection. Set the Damping or Mass Coefficient da to 1, the Conservative Flux Γ to 0, and as Source Term f to the velocity field. Finally, also set the Estimate of Maximum Wave Speed Ws to the same value as in the Elastic Waves interface, typically elte.cp.
For an example where an ODE is used to compute the displacement in a point see the tutorial Ground Motion After Seismic Event: Scattering off a Small Mountain. The Application Library path: Acoustics_Module/Elastic_Waves/ground_motion_seismic_event