First-Order Material Parameters
To display this node in the context menu, click the Show More Options button () and select Advanced Physics Options in the Show More Options dialog box.
Use the First Order Material Parameters node to include subtle (acoustic) variations in the material parameters due to the acoustic variations of the dependent variables. The selected material parameters vary according to a linearization about their background values (at pressure p0 and temperature T0). The viscosity μ is, for example, replaced by:
First-Order Material Parameters
By default, no check boxes are selected. Click to select the following check boxes as needed.
Derivatives of dynamic viscosity μ/∂p (SI unit: s) and μ/∂T (SI unit: kg/(m·s·Κ)).
Derivatives of bulk viscosity μB/∂p (SI unit: s) and μB/∂T (SI unit: kg/(m·s·Κ)).
Derivatives of heat capacity at constant pressure Cp/∂p (SI unit: m3/(kg·K)) and Cp/∂T (SI unit: m2/(s2·K2)).
Derivatives of thermal conduction k/∂p (SI unit: m2/(s·K)) and k/∂T
(SI unit: m·kg /(s2·K2)).
Derivatives of coefficient of thermal expansion αp/∂p (SI unit: m·s2/(kg·K)) and αp/∂T (SI unit: 1/K2).
Viscous Dissipation Function
Select the Include viscous dissipation function check box to include the effects of the redefined material parameters on the viscous dissipation function.