Complete Settings of Piezoelectric Materials
Go to the Solid Mechanics>Piezoelectric Material node. On the Settings window complete these settings:
Coordinate System Selection section: The material is poled in the x3 direction of the coordinate system (x1,x2,x3) specified in this section. By default, it is set to the global coordinate system. If the piezoelectric material is poled along an other direction, you need to define a coordinate system so that its third direction is aligned with the poling direction. Then, assign it as the coordinate system which orients the material in the Coordinate System Selection section.
Piezoelectric Material Properties: Select whether the constitutive relation of piezoelectric material is in Stress-charge or in Strain-charge form. This choice defines the type of material properties that will be used.
Geometric Nonlinearity: select the check box to force strains to be linear.
Energy Dissipation: Select the check box to enable the calculation of the dissipated energy.