Boundary Conditions for Charge Conservation
When a charge conservation domain is added to a model all the boundary conditions available for electrostatics can be applied to exterior boundaries of the domain (boundaries adjacent to the semiconductor and interior boundaries automatically obtain the correct boundary conditions). These boundary conditions include a work function offset for the electric potential where appropriate. However, ΔEf is not added automatically to the model. For this reason, it is recommended that for isothermal models the equilibrium reference temperature (set this in the Semiconductor interface Settings window under Reference Temperature) is set to the same temperature as the model temperature. For nonisothermal models, ΔEf can be included in the work function in the following manner:
where is Φm0 the metal work function and an integration coupling operator (intop1) has been added on a point within the semiconducting domain adjacent to the insulator (if more than one Semiconductor interface is added to the domain, the prefix semi in the variable within the integration operator might need to be incremented).