Donor traps. Neutral when unionized (occupied by electron) and positively charged when ionized (unoccupied by electron).
Acceptor traps. Neutral when unionized (occupied by hole) and negatively charged when ionized (unoccupied by hole; that is, filled by electron).
Neutral electron traps. Negatively charged when occupied (electron trapped) and neutral when unoccupied (no electron trapped).
Neutral hole traps. Positively charged when occupied (hole trapped) and neutral when unoccupied (no hole trapped).
Impurity energy level (available when From valence band edge or From conduction band edge is selected) Et,0 (SI unit: V). The default is 0 V.
Impurity energy level (between 0 and 1, 0 being the valence band) (available when Relative is selected) Et,0 (dimensionless). The default is 0.5.
For From cross section, enter an Averaged cross section for electron capture <σn> (SI unit: m2; the default is 1·1018 1/cm2) and Electron thermal velocity Vthn (SI unit: m/s; the default is 1.562·107 m/s).
For From cross section, enter an Averaged cross section for hole capture <σp> (SI unit: m2; the default is 1·1018 1/cm2) and Hole thermal velocity Vthp (SI unit: m/s; the default is 1.562·107 m/s).