Effective Medium
This subfeature is available only when Effective medium is selected as the material parameter (for example, Relative permeability or Relative permittivity) in the parent feature node when it is available with the physics interface (for example, the Wave Equation, Electric node). Then the subnodes are made available from the context menu (right-click the parent node) as well as from the Physics toolbar, Attributes menu.
Use the Effective Medium subfeature to specify the material properties of a domain consisting of a porous medium using a mixture model. Depending on the specific physics interface being used, the subfeature can be used to provide a mixture model for the electric conductivity σ, the relative dielectric permittivity εr, or the relative magnetic permeability μr.
This section is always available and is used to define the mixture model for the domain.
Select the Number of materials (up to 5) to be included in the mixture model.
For each material (Material 1, Material 2, and so on), select either Domain material, to use the material specified for the domain, or one of the other materials specified in the Materials node. For each material, enter a Volume fraction θ1, θ2, and so on.
The Volume fractions specified for the materials should be fractional (between 0 and 1) and should add to 1 in normal cases.
The availability of the Effective Electrical Conductivity, Effective Relative Permittivity, and Effective Relative Permeability sections depend on the material properties used in the physics interface. In addition, these sections are only active if Effective medium is selected in the corresponding material property for the parent feature node.
Effective Electrical Conductivity, Effective Relative Permittivity, or Effective Relative Permeability
Select the averaging method to use in the mixture model between the Volume average of the material property (for example, conductivity or permittivity), the volume average of its inverse (for example, the resistivity), or the Power law. For each material, specify either From material, to take the value from the corresponding material specified in the Effective Medium section, or User defined to manually input a value.