User-defined auxiliary dependent variables for which the Initialize before particle momentum check box has been selected. These variables are initialized in the order in which the Auxiliary Dependent Variable nodes appear in the model tree.
Other built-in auxiliary dependent variables, including the out-of-plane degrees of freedom in a 2D and 2D axisymmetric geometry. This also includes collision counters created by the Collisions node and the various collision types that can be added to it (Charged Particle Tracing interface only).
User-defined auxiliary dependent variables for which the Initialize before particle momentum check box is cleared.
None: enter a single value or expression.
Normal, Lognormal, or Uniform: sample a number of values from the chosen distribution type. Enter the Mean (default 0) and Standard deviation (default 1).
List of values: Type a list of numeric values directly. The valued do not need to be at regular intervals and do not need to be entered in any particular order.