The Acoustophoretic Radiation Force node is only available when Newtonian or Newtonian, first order is selected as the Formulation on the Settings window for The Particle Tracing for Fluid Flow Interface.
Pressure p (SI unit: Pa). This should be computed from another physics interface using a Frequency Domain study type.
Acoustic velocity u (SI unit: m/s). Similarly, this should be solved for in another physics interface such as the Pressure Acoustics, Frequency Domain interface.
Thermal conductivity kp (SI unit: W/(m K), default 0.17 W/(m K)). The thermal conductivity is always assumed to be a scalar for the purpose of computing the acoustophoretic radiation force.
Speed of sound c (SI unit: m/s, default 1500 m/s).
Ratio of specific heats γ (dimensionless, default 1.01), and
Thermal conductivity k (SI unit: W/(m·K), default 0.61 W/(m·K)). The thermal conductivity is always assumed to be a scalar for the purpose of computing the acoustophoretic radiation force.
If the old expression for the particle bulk modulus was <expr>, the new expression for the compressional speed of sound is sqrt(<expr>/<name>.rhop).
If the old expression for the particle compressibility was <expr>, the new expression for the compressional speed of sound is sqrt(1/(<expr>*<name>.rhop)).