Theory for the Moist Air Version of the Heat and Moisture Transport Interface
The Moist Air version of the Heat and Moisture multiphysics coupling implements the following equations for heat and moisture transport:
ρCp (SI unit: J/(m3·K)) is the volumetric heat capacity at constant pressure.
T (SI unit: K) is the temperature.
u (SI unit: m/s) is the air velocity field.
Q (SI unit: W/m3) is the heat source.
k (SI unit: W/(m·K)) is the thermal conductivity.
Μv (SI unit: kg/mol) is the molar mass of water vapor.
(dimensionless) is the relative humidity.
csat (SI unit: mol/m3) is the vapor saturation concentration.
D (SI unit: m2/s) is the vapor diffusion coefficient in air.
G (SI unit: kg/(m3s)) is the moisture source (or sink).