Multiphysics Interfaces
The Heat Transfer Module includes predefined multiphysics interfaces for conjugate heat transfer, radiative heat transfer, thermoelectric effect, local thermal nonequilibrium, coupled heat transfer and moisture transport, and moisture flow modeling.
Some of these interfaces couple an interface of the Heat Transfer Module with an interface of another module (the CFD Module or AC/DC Module).
The multiphysics interfaces are found under the Heat Transfer branch (), and their availability depends on the COMSOL products available.
The multiphysics interfaces add Domain Multiphysics Couplings and Boundary Multiphysics Couplings. They predefine the couplings through specific settings in the multiphysics couplings and in the constituent interfaces to facilitate easy set up of models. These settings are detailed in the following sections:
A brief description of other multiphysics interfaces coupling an interface of the Heat Transfer Module with other interfaces is given in the following sections:
Links to thorough information about these interfaces are given in the corresponding sections.
See The Thermal Stress, Solid Interface and The Joule Heating and Thermal Expansion Interface in the Structural Mechanics Module User’s Guide for other multiphysics interfaces having The Heat Transfer in Solids Interface as a constituent interface. These two multiphysics interfaces (found under the Structural Mechanics branch ()) add in particular the Thermal Expansion multiphysics coupling.
See each constituent interface documentation for more details about the common settings (in The Heat Transfer Module Interfaces for the Heat Transfer Module interfaces, and in the other modules documentation for the other interfaces).
See The Heat Transfer Features and The Moisture Transport Features for details about the features available with the Heat Transfer Module constituent interfaces.
See Multiphysics Couplings for details about the multiphysics couplings added with the Heat Transfer Module predefined multiphysics interfaces.
The predefined interfaces are found under the branches of the Model Wizard or Add Physics windows. They add the constituent interfaces and the Multiphysics node containing one or more multiphysics couplings.
On the figure below, the predefined interface Conjugate Heat Transfer, Laminar Flow is found under the Heat Transfer branch. It adds the Heat Transfer in Solids and Fluids and Laminar Flow constituent interfaces, and the Multiphysics node containing the Nonisothermal Flow multiphysics coupling.