Deposited Beam Power, Interface (Heat Transfer in Shells Interface)
This node models heat sources brought by narrow beams, such as laser or electron beams, to the exterior interfaces of a shell and, for the case of a layered shell, to the interfaces between its layers.
Boundary Selection
Select the boundaries on which to apply the heat source.
In addition, select the Restrict to layered boundaries check box to make the node applicable only if a layered material is defined on the boundary. If a layered material (Material with Layer thickness specified, Single Layer Material, Layered Material Link, or Layered Material Stack) is available, its name is then displayed beside the boundary index (for example, slmat1), otherwise the boundary is marked as not applicable.
Note that when the Shell type is Nonlayered shell in the Shells Properties section of the parent interface, the Restrict to layered boundaries check box is not editable.
Interface Selection
Set the interfaces for which the heat source contribution should be applied. These can be internal interfaces between layers or the top and bottom surfaces.
Different settings are available, depending on the settings in the Shell Properties section of the parent interface:
When the Shell type is Layered shell in the Shells Properties section of the parent interface, the available options in the Apply to list are Top interface, Bottom interface, Exterior interfaces, Interior interfaces, All interfaces, and Selected interfaces. With the last option you can select any set of interfaces for a given layered material, by clearing the check boxes corresponding to layer interfaces where the node should not be applied in the Selection table. The top and bottom interfaces refer respectively to the upside and downside of the boundary, defined from the orientation of the normal vector. See Interface selections for details about the interfaces identification.
When the Shell type is Nonlayered shell in the Shells Properties section of the parent interface, a single layer material is defined on the boundary, and the available options in the Apply to list are Top interface, Bottom interface, and All interfaces. This setting has no effect unless the temperature differs from one side of the boundary to the other.
You can visualize the selected interfaces by clicking the Layer Cross Section Preview and Layer 3D Preview buttons.
Upside and downside settings can be visualized by plotting the global normal vector (nx, ny, nz), that always points from downside to upside. Note that the normal vector (ht.nx, ht.ny, may be oriented differently.
See Tangent and Normal Variables in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual.
Beam Orientation
Enter a value for the Beam orientation e. This vector does not need to be normalized. In 2D axisymmetric components, it is aligned with the z-axis.
Beam Profile
Either select an option for the Beam profile among the Built-in beam profiles, or set the it as User defined by entering a value for the Deposited beam power density, Qb (SI unit: W/m2).
For Built-in beam profiles, enter a value for the Deposited beam power P0 and the coordinates of the Beam origin point O.
Then, select a Distribution type: Gaussian (the default) or Top-hat disk.
For Gaussian, enter the Standard deviation σ.
For Top-hat disk, enter the Beam radius R. Smoothing can be applied by entering a positive Size of transition zone ΔR. The default value of 0 m corresponds to an ideal discontinuous top-hat profile.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Physics Tab with Heat Transfer in Shells selected in the model tree: