Initial Values (Heat Transfer in Shells Interface)
This node adds an initial value for the temperature that can serve as an initial condition for a transient simulation or as an initial guess for a nonlinear solver. If more than one set of initial values is needed, add an Initial Values node from the Physics toolbar.
Boundary Selection
When the Initial Values node is added manually in the Heat Transfer in Shells interface, select the Restrict to layered boundaries check box to make the node applicable only if a layered material is defined on the boundary. If a layered material (Material with Layer thickness specified, Single Layer Material, Layered Material Link, or Layered Material Stack) is available, its name is then displayed beside the boundary index (for example, slmat1), otherwise the boundary is marked as not applicable.
When Initial Values is the default node of the Heat Transfer in Shells interface, it is applied on all boundaries where the Heat Transfer in Shells interface is applied, and neither the boundary selection nor the Restrict to layered boundaries check box are editable.
Note that when the Shell type is Nonlayered shell in the Shells Properties section of the parent interface or node, the Restrict to layered boundaries check box is not editable.
Shell Properties
Different settings are available, depending on the settings in the Shell Properties section of the parent interface, and whether Initial Values is the default node or was added manually:
When the Shell type is Layered shell in the Shells Properties section of the parent interface, the same layered material is used in the Initial Values node, but you can limit the contribution to individually selected layers by clearing the Use all layers check box, when this is not the default Initial Values node. For a given Layered Material Link or Layered Material Stack, you get access to a list of check boxes for the selection of the individual layers.
When the Shell type is Nonlayered shell in the Shells Properties section of the parent interface, the Thickness is taken From physics interface in the Initial Values node. This option is not editable when Initial Values is the default node, but you can change to User defined and override the interface setting with a specific value or expression for Lth when the node was added manually.
You can visualize the selected layered materials and layers in each layered material by clicking the Layer Cross Section Preview and Layer 3D Preview buttons.
Initial Values
For User defined, enter a value or expression for the initial value of the Temperature T. The default is approximately room temperature, 293.15 K (20º C). Else, select an Ambient temperature defined in an Ambient Properties node under Definitions.
Disk-Stack Heat Sink: Application Library path Heat_Transfer_Module/Thermal_Contact_and_Friction/disk_stack_heat_sink
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Physics Tab with Heat Transfer in Shells selected: