Incident Intensity (Radiation in Participating Medium and Radiation in Absorbing-Scattering Medium Interfaces)
Use this node to specify the radiative intensity along incident directions on a boundary. This intensity is a power per unit solid angle and unit surface area projected onto the plane normal to the radiation direction. It may be specified for each spectral band.
Pair Selection
If this node is selected from the Pairs menu, choose the pair on which to apply this condition. A pair has to be created first. See Identity and Contact Pairs in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual for more details.
Incident Intensity
When Wavelength dependence of radiative properties is Constant, the Boundary radiation intensity Ii should be specified. This represents the value of radiative intensity along incoming discrete directions. Values of radiative intensity on outgoing discrete directions are not prescribed. If Boundary radiation intensity is User defined, set a value or expression for Iwall. Alternatively, choose Blackbody radiation or Graybody radiation to define Ii as Ib(T) or εIb(T), respectively (available with the Radiation in Participating Media interface only). For Graybody radiation, the Surface emissivity ε should be defined. If it is defined From material, make sure that a material is defined at the boundary level (materials are defined by default at the domain level). If User defined is selected for the Surface emissivity, enter another value for ε. If the Define surface emissivity on each side check box is selected, define the Surface emissivity, upside εu and the Surface emissivity, downside εd.
If Wavelength dependence of radiative properties is Solar and ambient or Multiple spectral bands, the Boundary radiation intensity Ii,k for each spectral band should be specified. Select an option between Graybody radiation, Blackbody radiation, User defined for each band, or User defined distribution.
If Boundary radiation intensity is Blackbody radiation or Graybody radiation (available with the Radiation in Participating Media interface only), Ii,k is defined from the blackbody intensity Ib(T), the fractional emissive power for each spectral band, FEPk, and the emissivity, εk. For Graybody radiation, the Surface emissivity εk should be defined. For User defined for each band, set a value for each spectral band in the table displayed underneath. Within a spectral band, each value is supposed to be wavelength-independent. If the Define surface emissivity on each side check box is selected, define the Surface emissivity, upside εu and the Surface emissivity, downside εd.
If Boundary radiation intensity is User defined for each band, set a value or expression for Iwall,k for each spectral band in the table displayed underneath. If the Define incident intensity on each side check box is selected, set values in the Upside and Downside columns.
If Boundary radiation intensity is User defined distribution, set a value or expression for Iλ,wall. Any expression is then averaged on each spectral band to obtain a piecewise constant radiation intensity. If the average value of the radiation intensity on each band is known, you may use instead the User defined for each band option to avoid the evaluation of the average. If the Define incident intensity on each side check box is selected, set values for Iλ,wall,u and Iλ,wall,d.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Physics Tab with Radiation in Participating Media or Radiation in Absorbing-Scattering Media selected: