Diffuse Mirror (Surface-to-Surface Radiation Interface)
This node is a variant of the Diffuse Surface (Surface-to-Surface Radiation Interface) node with a surface emissivity equal to zero. Diffuse mirror surfaces are common as approximations of a surface that is well insulated on one side and for which convection effects can be neglected on the opposite (radiating) side. It resembles a mirror that absorbs all irradiation and then radiates it back in all directions. The node adds radiosity shape function for each spectral band to its selection and uses it as surface radiosity.
The radiative heat flux on a diffuse mirror boundary is zero.
Model Input
This section has fields and values that are inputs to expressions that define material properties. If such user-defined property groups are added, the model inputs appear here.
This section is available when temperature-dependent material properties are used. The default Temperature is User defined. When additional physics interfaces are added to the model, the temperature variables defined by these physics interfaces can also be selected from the list. The Common model input option corresponds to the minput.T variable, set to 293.15 K by default) and all temperature variables from the physics interfaces included in the model. To edit the minput.T variable, click the Go to Source button (), and in the Default Model Inputs node under Global Definitions, set a value for the Temperature in the Expression for remaining selection section.
Radiation Direction
These settings are the same as for the Diffuse Surface (Surface-to-Surface Radiation Interface) node.
These settings are the same as for the Diffuse Surface (Surface-to-Surface Radiation Interface) node.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Physics Tab with Surface-to-Surface Radiation selected: