Domain Equations for Primary and Secondary Current Distributions
Assuming electroneutrality (which cancels out the convection term) and negligible concentration gradients of the current-carrying ion (which cancels out the diffusion term), the following expression is left for the current density vector in an electrolyte:
Further, assuming approximately constant composition of charge carriers, we can define a constant electrolyte conductivity as:
the current density in the electrolyte can be written as
This equation takes the same form as Ohm’s law; in an electrolyte, charge transport is ohmic, subject to the above assumptions.
Conservation of charge yields the domain equation usually used for the electrolyte in the Primary and Secondary Current Distribution interfaces:
The Primary and Secondary Current Distribution interfaces define two dependent variables: one for the potential in the electrolyte and one for the electric potential in the electrode. The conduction of current in the electrolyte is assumed to take place through transport of ions as described above, while electrons conduct the current in the electrode.
Since Ohm’s law is also used for current conduction in the solid electrode phase, the general equation in these interfaces is according to the following:
where Qk denotes a general source term, k denotes an index that is l for the electrolyte or s for the electrode, σk denotes the conductivity (SI unit: S/m) and k the potential (SI unit: V).