Mesh (Export)
Use the Mesh () node to export a mesh to file. Mesh export operates directly on datasets and exports the mesh in the frame specified by the dataset. The mesh data can also be exported from datasets that contain meshes, for example, a Mesh dataset or a Solution dataset. Right-click the Export node and select Mesh, or right-click any dataset node, for example, Solution, and select Add Mesh to Export. In the Settings window for Mesh, follow these steps to export mesh data:
Select a Dataset. The Dataset list contains the solution and mesh datasets previously defined. Select None to not export any mesh data.
Select a File type from the list of available file formats. Enter a Filename including a path to save it to your computer or click Browse and navigate to where you want to Save the output. You can export the mesh to a COMSOL Multiphysics binary file (*.mphbin) or text file (*.mphtxt) or to an STL binary file (*.stl) or text file (*.stl), if a 3D dataset is selected.
Select the Always ask for filename check box if you want the program to always display a dialog box for specifying where to store the mesh.
Click the Export button () in the Settings window or right-click the node and select Export.
See Importing and Exporting Meshes for information about exporting mesh data using the Export option from the main Mesh node. You can use that mesh export if you want to export the mesh using the NASTRAN format and also if you want to export the mesh before solving. If you have a mesh and want to import it into another model (as a mesh without its geometry) or into some other software package, it might be inconvenient to have to solve first.