Add a Deformation node () to deform the plot according to a vector quantity — for example, the displacement field in structural mechanics. You can add a deformation to most 2D and 3D plots: annotation, arrow, contour, isosurface, line, slice, streamline, surface, and volume plots. By default, COMSOL Multiphysics scales the deformation to 10% of the geometry.
In the Model Builder, add and define a 2D Plot Group or 3D Plot Group. Right-click the plot node (for example, Arrow Surface) and select Deformation.
Select the Scale factor check box to edit the default value for the scale factor.
Using a scale factor of 1 and equidistant displacements in the x, y, or z direction, you can plot several instances of the geometry side by side to, for example, visualize the solution at some times, for some parameter values, or to illustrate multiple eigenmodes. In such a plot, you would typically specify the dataset in each plot individually and turn off the color legends and titles for each separate plot.
To control the automatic scaling of the deformation, you can change the value in the Maximum relative deformation field from the default 0.1 (that is, 10% of the geometry) to another scalar, positive value. If you use a manual scale factor in the Scale section above, the maximum relative deformation setting is not applicable.
Go to Common Results Node Settings for links to information about these sections: Expression and Title.