Select Coordinates (the default) to enter the coordinates. For Cut Point 1D, enter an x coordinate; for Cut Point 2D, enter x and y coordinates; and for Cut Point 3D enter x, y, and z coordinates.
Select From file to enter or browse to a text file with the cut point data. Enter the path and filename in the Filename field, or click Browse to browse to the file. You can use text files (*.txt) or, if the license includes LiveLink™ for Excel®, Microsoft Excel Workbook files (*.xlsx). The file format is such that each row contains N coordinates for an N-dimensional cut point. That is, each row contains coordinate values like the following example, for a 3D case:
Select Grid to enter grid coordinates for gridded data. For Cut Point 1D, enter an x coordinate; for Cut Point 2D, enter x and y coordinates; and for Cut Point 3D, enter x, y, and z coordinates.
Select Regular grid to specify the number of points in each direction. Enter Number of x points, Number of y points (Cut Point 2D and 3D), and Number of z points (Cut Point 3D only). The default value is 10 points in each direction.
For a Cut Point 1D example, and if you have the Plasma Module, see Benchmark Model of a Capacitively Coupled Plasma: Application Library path Plasma_Module/Capacitively_Coupled_Plasmas/ccp_benchmark.
For a Cut Point 2D example, see Steady-State 2D Heat Transfer with Conduction: Application Library path COMSOL_Multiphysics/Heat_Transfer/heat_convection_2d.