Edge Groups
Use an Edge Groups node () to specify the four groups of edges around a boundary (3D) or domain (2D) that are used to determine the Mapped mesh of the boundary/domain.
For all the settings sections, click the Active button to toggle between turning ON and OFF selections.
To add this node, right-click Mapped and select Edge Groups. Then enter the properties using the following sections:
Boundaries (3D) / Domain Selection (2D)
Define the boundary/domain where you want to specify the edge groups. Choose Manual in the Selection list to select the boundary/domain in the Graphics window.
First Edge Group
Activate the First Edge Group list and select the edges for the first edge group in the Graphics window.
Second Edge Group
Activate the Second Edge Group list and select the edges for the second edge group in the Graphics window.
Third Edge Group
Activate the Third Edge Group list and select the edges for the third edge group in the Graphics window.
Fourth Edge Group
Activate the Fourth Edge Group list and select the edges for the fourth edge group in the Graphics window.