Copy Domain
Add a Copy Domain node to 2D () or 3D () models to create identical meshes on domains.
Copying a mesh to a destination domain in 2D that is adjacent to a meshed domain is possible if the edges between these domains have the same number of elements as the corresponding source edges. The mesh on the destination edges is kept and the copied domain elements are modified to fit with this edge mesh.
Copying a mesh to a destination domain in 3D that is adjacent to a meshed domain is also possible if each face between these domains has a mesh isomorphic to a mesh of the corresponding source face. The mesh on the destination face is kept and the copied domain elements are modified to fit with this face mesh.
The edges around the source and destination domains in 2D are allowed to be partitioned differently but only in such a way that several edges of the source domain map to one edge of the destination edge. Not the other way around.
The faces around the source and destination domains in 3D are also allowed to be partitioned differently with exactly that same limitation (source to destination face mapping must be many-to-one).
If you copy between domains with a common boundary, the copy operation mirrors the mesh if the domains are symmetric. If the domains are symmetric but separated from each other, you can enforce a mirrored mesh by adding an Edge Map or a Two-Point Map subnode that controls the orientation of the copied mesh.
To copy a mesh between domains:
In the Graphics window, select both the domains to copy the mesh from and the domains to copy the mesh to. Then on The Mesh Toolbar click the Copy Domain button in 2D () or 3D (). This adds a node with the same name and copies the mesh and includes the source domains set to the selected domains with a mesh and the destination domains set to the selected domains without a mesh.
In the Mesh ribbon toolbar (Windows), from the Operations>Copy () menu choose Copy Domain.
In the Mesh contextual toolbar (macOS and Linux), from the Copy menu () choose Copy Domain.
Right-click a Mesh node and choose More Operations>Copy Domain.
Then enter the properties for the copy meshing operation using the following sections:
Source and Destination Domains
It is possible to copy a mesh from one or several source domains onto one or several destination domains. The source (or their combination, if many-to-one is used) must be a connected set of exactly the same shape as the corresponding destination, up to a constant scaling factor. More precisely, the distance between any two geometry vertices on the destination is required to be the same, up to a constant scaling factor, as the distance between the corresponding geometry vertices on the source.
Click the Active button to toggle between turning ON and OFF selections. Select the domains to copy the mesh from in the Graphics window.
The source domains must be connected when the Single destination (many-to-one) option is specified. In an assembly, an identity pair is not sufficient to connect boundaries across parts. Instead, consider forming a union of the parts or splitting the destination boundary (using imprints, for example) so that the mesh copy is a one-to-one copy operation using two or more Copy Domain nodes.
Type of Copy
Select Automatic (the default) to let the software determine the proper copy method, select Single destination (many-to-one) to let the entire source mesh be copied onto each destination entity separately, and select Array copy (many-to-many) to let each single source entity mesh be copied onto a corresponding single destination entity.
Array copy (many-to-many) can be used only if a bijective transformation of source to destination can be found (a transformation that sets 1-to-1 mapping between source and destination).
Switch Selections
Click the Switch Source and Destination button to switch source and destination selections. Edge map is available to be switched, if provided.
Control Entities
Select the Smooth across removed control entities check box to smooth the transition in element size across removed control entities. You can specify the number of smoothing iterations in the Number of iterations field. In the Maximum element depth to process field you can specify the maximum element depth, from the boundary layer interface, for the mesh points to be smoothed.