Heat Flux
Use this node to add heat flux across boundaries. A positive heat flux adds heat to the domain.
Heat Flux
Click to select the General inward heat flux (the default), Convective heat flux, or Heat rate button.
General Inward Heat Flux
It adds q0 to the total flux across the selected boundaries. Enter a value for q0 to represent a heat flux that enters the domain. For example, any electric heater is well represented by this condition, and its geometry can be omitted.
Convective Heat Flux
Enter a value for the Heat transfer coefficient h and an External temperature, Text. The value depends on the geometry and the ambient flow conditions. Convective heat flux is defined by q0 = h(Text  T).
Heat Rate
For Heat rate enter the heat rate P0 across the boundaries where the Heat Flux node is active. In this case q0 = P0 ⁄ A, where A is the total area of the selected boundaries.
Frame Selection
The settings are the same as for the Heat Source node and are described under Frame Selection.
Location in User Interface
Context menus
Physics Tab with interface as Heat Transfer in Solids, Heat Transfer in Fluids, or Heat Transfer in Solids and Fluids selected: