Implicit Event
Use the Implicit Event node () to specify an event that occurs when a condition involving an indicator state is fulfilled. When an event occurs, it is possible to specify reinitialization of global state variables. Right-click an Implicit Event node to add a Reinitialization on Domains, Boundaries, Edges, or Points node.
Event Conditions
Enter the condition in the Condition field using only indicator states, comparisons operators (< or >), and logical operators (!, ||, or &&). When the condition changes its state from false to true at the zero crossing of one of the indicator states, this triggers the implicit event.
For example, use z>0 to trigger the event when the indicator state z goes from negative to positive, and use z<0 to trigger when z goes from positive to negative. The condition is only evaluated at zero crossings of the indicator states, so, for example, using z>1 as a condition never triggers the event.
In the table under Variables, enter any global dependent variable name. In the Expression column, enter the corresponding reinitialization expression for each variable.