Create an instance of a geometry part.
This feature creates an instance of a geometry part with new values of its input parameters. Use model.component(<ctag>).geom(<tag>).feature(<ftag>).geom() to access its local copy of the part.
The following properties are available:
Tag of part to call, or local to use a local part.
The default for part is the first part in model.geom(), or local if there is none.
In 3D, the following additional properties are available to control the positioning of the output objects:
Axis vector, used if axistype is cartesian.
Rotation axis. Vector has length 3 if axistype is cartesian, and length 2 if axistype is spherical. Alias for ax2 and ax3.
x | y | z | cartesian | spherical
Intrinsic Z-X-Z Euler angles α, β, and γ, used if specify is set to eulerang.
Rotation angle, used if specify is set to axis.
axis | eulerang
In 2D, the following additional properties are available to control the positioning of the output objects:
For each geometric entity level (object, domain, boundary, edge, and point) that exists in the geometry, there is in addition the following properties related to the output selections for that level:
on | off
all none
all off
where level is obj, dom, bnd, edg, or pnt for geometry objects, domains, boundaries, edges, and points, respectively.
In version 5.1, the following properties were deprecated and replaced:
Create a geometry part that makes a torus of revolution angle a, where a is an argument (default value: 90 degrees). Then add work planes for the two planar face to make it easy to position the result:
Code for Use with Java
Model model = ModelUtil.create("Model1");
GeomSequence p = model.geom().create("part1", "Part", 3);
p.inputParam().set("a", 90);
p.create("tor1", "Torus");
p.feature("tor1").set("angle", "a");"tor1");
p.create("wp1", "WorkPlane");
p.feature("wp1").set("planetype", "faceparallel");
p.feature("wp1").selection("face").set("tor1", new int[]{1});
p.feature("wp1").set("reverse", "on");
p.create("wp2", "WorkPlane");
p.feature("wp2").set("planetype", "faceparallel");
p.feature("wp2").selection("face").set("tor1", new int[]{6});
Code for Use with MATLAB
model = ModelUtil.create('Model1');
p = model.geom.create('part1', 'Part', 3);
p.inputParam.set('a', 90);
p.create('tor1', 'Torus');
p.feature('tor1').set('angle', 'a');'tor1');
p.create('wp1', 'WorkPlane');
p.feature('wp1').set('planetype', 'faceparallel');
p.feature('wp1').selection('face').set('tor1', 1);
p.feature('wp1').set('reverse', 'on');
p.create('wp2', 'WorkPlane');
p.feature('wp2').set('planetype', 'faceparallel');
p.feature('wp2').selection('face').set('tor1', 6);
Create two part instances of this geometry part. The first has a = 90 (the default value), and the second has a = 120. The objects are positioned so that the two circular faces match, with a rotation angle of 50 degrees.
Code for Use with Java
GeomSequence g = model.component("comp1").geom().create("geom1", 3);
g.create("pi1", "PartInstance");
g.create("pi2", "PartInstance");
g.feature("pi2").setIndex("inputexpr", 120, 0);
g.feature("pi2").set("workplanepart", "wp1");
g.feature("pi2").set("workplanesrc", "pi1");
g.feature("pi2").set("workplane", "wp2");
g.feature("pi2").set("rot", 50);"pi2");
Code for Use with MATLAB
g = model.component('comp1').geom.create('geom1', 3);
g.create('pi1', 'PartInstance');
g.create('pi2', 'PartInstance');
g.feature('pi2').setIndex('inputexpr', 120, 0);
g.feature('pi2').set('workplanepart', 'wp1');
g.feature('pi2').set('workplanesrc', 'pi1');
g.feature('pi2').set('workplane', 'wp2');
g.feature('pi2').set('rot', 50);'pi2');
See Also
If, ElseIf, Else, EndIf