Import Geometry Sequence
Import geometry objects from another geometry sequence.
Use model.component(<ctag>).geom(<tag>).create(<ftag>,"Import") to create a geometry import feature. Set the property mesh to the tag of a meshing sequence of another model component in the model.
none | custom | integer between 1 and the number of colors in the current theme
The color to use. Active when color is set to custom.
on | off
all | obj | dom | bnd | edg | pnt | off
Show selections, if selresult is on, in physics, materials, and so on; in part instances; or in 3D from a plane geometry. obj is not available in a component’s geometry. dom, bnd, and edg are not available in all features.
on | off
all | dom | bnd | edg | pnt | off
Show selections, when selindividual is on, of individual objects in physics, materials, and so on; in part instances; or in 3D from a plane geometry.
When building, the import feature takes all the existing objects in the specified sequence and imports them into the feature’s sequence.
The method
imports the sequence again. The imported objects are represented using the COMSOL Multiphysics geometry modeler or the CAD Import Module’s geometry modeler (Parasolid).
If selresult is set to on, a selection is created for all resulting entities of each type (object, domain, boundary, edge, and point), for use in the geometry sequence. To access the object selection, use model.geom(<tag>).selection(<ftag>), where <tag> is the geometry tag and <ftag> is the feature tag. To access the other selections, use model.geom(<tag>).selection(<ftag>.<lvl>), where <tag> is the geometry tag, <ftag> is the feature tag, and <lvl> is one of dom, bnd, edg, or pnt (edg is not available for DXF import in 2D). If, in addition, selresultshow is set to a value other than off, all or some of these selections appear for use outside the geometry sequence. To access these selections, use model.selection(<tag>_<ftag>_<lvl>), where <tag> is the geometry tag, <ftag> is the feature tag, and <lvl> is one of dom, bnd, edg, or pnt (edg is not available for DXF import in 2D).
If selindividual is set to on, a selection is created for all resulting entities of each type (object, domain, boundary, edge, and point) of each individual object, for use in the geometry sequence. To access the object selections, use model.geom(<tag>).selection(<otag>), where <otag> is a tag derived from the name of the imported object. For standard object names of the form <ftag>(<n>), where <n> is an object number, the corresponding <otag> is <ftag>_<n>. To access the other selections, use model.geom(<tag>).selection(<otag>_<lvl>), where <otag> is a tag derived from the name of the imported object. If, in addition, selindividualshow is set to a value other than off, all or some of these selections appear for use outside the geometry sequence. To access these selections, use model.selection(<tag>_<otag>_<lvl>), where <otag> is a tag derived from the name of the imported object. For standard object names of the form <ftag>(<n>), where <n> is an object number, the corresponding <otag> is <ftag>_<n>.