Use model.component(<ctag>).geom(<tag>).create(<ftag>,"Import") to create a geometry import feature. When the property
filename is set to a file recognized as a DXF CAD drawing, the property
type is set to
dxf and the following properties are available:
The file specified by filename can be of any of the following formats:
If selresult is set to
on, a selection is created for all resulting entities of each type (object, domain, boundary, edge, and point), for use in the geometry sequence. To access the object selection, use
model.geom(<tag>).selection(<ftag>), where
<tag> is the geometry tag and
<ftag> is the feature tag. To access the other selections, use
model.geom(<tag>).selection(<ftag>.<lvl>), where
<tag> is the geometry tag,
<ftag> is the feature tag, and
<lvl> is one of
edg, or
pnt (
edg is not available for DXF import in 2D). If, in addition,
selresultshow is set to a value other than
off, all or some of these selections appear for use outside the geometry sequence. To access these selections, use
model.selection(<tag>_<ftag>_<lvl>), where
<tag> is the geometry tag,
<ftag> is the feature tag, and
<lvl> is one of
edg, or
pnt (
edg is not available for DXF import in 2D).
If selindividual is set to
on, a selection is created for all resulting entities of each type (object, domain, boundary, edge, and point) of each individual object, for use in the geometry sequence. To access the object selections, use
model.geom(<tag>).selection(<otag>), where
<otag> is a tag derived from the name of the imported object. For standard object names of the form
<ftag>(<n>), where
<n> is an object number, the corresponding
<otag> is
<ftag>_<n>. To access the other selections, use
model.geom(<tag>).selection(<otag>_<lvl>), where
<otag> is a tag derived from the name of the imported object. If, in addition,
selindividualshow is set to a value other than
off, all or some of these selections appear for use outside the geometry sequence. To access these selections, use
model.selection(<tag>_<otag>_<lvl>), where
<otag> is a tag derived from the name of the imported object. For standard object names of the form
<ftag>(<n>), where
<n> is an object number, the corresponding
<otag> is