model.variable(<tag>) returns a variable collection. Each variable collection can contain several variables, but only one selection.
<tag>) creates a variables node with tag
model.variable(<tag>).set(<var>,<expr>,<descr>) defines a variable and gives it a description.
model.variable(<tag>).descr(<var>,<descr>) defines a description for the variable
.model(<mtag>) sets the model component node.
model.variable(<tag>).selection().named(<seltag>) assigns the variable node to the named selection
model.shape(<tag>).selection().set(...) defines a local selection that assigns the variable collection to geometric entities. Before assigning a selection, the variable’s model must be set using
model.variable(<tag>).model(<mtag>). Only the global selection and selections on a geometry in the model can be used. For a complete list of methods available under
selection(), see
model.variable(<tag>).remove(<var>) removes a variable from the variable collection.
model.variable(<tag>).clear() removes all variables from the variable collection.
model.variable(<tag>).varnames() returns the names of all expressions as a string array.
model.variable(<tag>).get(<var>) returns the variable value as a string.
model.variable(<tag>).descr(<var>) returns the variable description as a string.
.model() returns the model component node tag.
.scope() returns the fully qualified scope name.
model.variable(<tag>).selection().named() returns the selection tag as a string.
model.variable(<tag>).selection().getType() returns domain information. For available methods, see
Define the expression e as
x+1 in Domains 1 and 2 and as
x-1 in Domain 3.