Get (), to insert code to get the value of a parameter, property, or filename (for example, model.param().get("w") or model.component("comp1").geom("geom1").feature("r1").getDouble("rot")), or to insert a reference to the feature (for example, model.geom("geom1").feature("r1")).
Set (), to insert code to set the value of a parameter, property, or filename (for example, model.param().set("w", 0); or model.component("comp1").geom("geom1").feature("r1").set("rot", "0");).
Set All (), to insert code to set all nondefault properties of a feature.
Create (), to insert code to create the feature (for example, model.component("comp1").geom("geom1").create("r1", "Rectangle");).
Run (), to insert code to run the feature (for example, model.sol("sol1").run();).
Enable () or Disable (), to insert code to enable or disable the feature (for example, model.component("comp1").geom("geom1").feature("r1").active(true); to enable that feature).
Edit Node (), to select that node under the Model branch in the main desktop’s Application Builder window and open its Settings window for editing. You can also click the Edit Node button () at the top of the Editor Tools window.
Input (), to insert a Text Label, Input Field, and (if applicable) Unit object to display the name and an input field for a model parameter or a variable under Declarations.
Output (), to insert a Text Label and Data Display object to display the name and value of a model parameter or variable, or for a variable under Declarations.
Graphics (), to insert a Graphics object for a plot group, geometry, or mesh.
Button (), to insert a Button object for a file or view command or to create a report, for example.