Feed Inlet
The Feed Inlet () feature is used for adding inlet streams to the reactor.
After adding a Reaction node and setting its Reactor Type to CSTR, constant volume, CSTR, constant mass/generic, or Semi, add a Feed Inlet node from the Reaction Engineering toolbar or right-click the Reaction Engineering node to add it from the context menu.
Feed inlet Properties
Edit the Volumetric feed rate (vf) (SI unit: m3/s) to fit the modeling conditions.
The Feed inlet temperature (Tf) is required as input when nonisothermal conditions are investigated (Energy Balance is set to Include).
Feed Stream Concentration
For each of the Species, enter a value or expression in the table for the Concentration (mol/m^3) to set the composition of the inlet stream.
Feed Stream Concentration and enthalpy
For each of the Species, enter values or expressions in the table for the Concentration (mol/m^3) and Enthalpy (J/mol) to set both the composition and enthalpy of the feed inlet stream. Note that in the rightmost column of the Feed inlet concentration and enthalpy table, it is possible to select that the thermodynamic properties are taken from a Species node instead.