Reaction Kinetics and Rate Expressions
The modeling of reactions in COMSOL is based on the mass action law. Consider a general reaction belonging to a set of j reactions and involving i species:
For such a reaction set, the reaction rates rj (SI unit: mol/(m3·s)) can be described by the mass action law:
Here, and denote the forward and reverse rate constants, respectively. The concentration of species i is denoted as ci (SI unit: mol/m3). The stoichiometric coefficients are denoted νij, and are defined as being negative for reactants and positive for products. In practice, a reaction seldom involves more than two species colliding in a reacting step, which means that a kinetic expression is usually of order 2 or less (with respect to the involved concentrations).
In addition to the concentration dependence, the temperature dependence of reaction rates can be included by using the predefined Arrhenius expression for the rate constants:
Here, A denotes the frequency factor, n the temperature exponent, E the activation energy (SI unit: J/mol) and Rg the gas constant, 8.314 J/(mol·K). The pre-exponential factor, including the frequency factor A and the temperature factor Tn, is given the units (m3/mol)α − 1/s, where α is the order of the reaction (with respect to volumetric concentrations).
The default settings for the reaction given by Equation 2-1 and assuming equilibrium, yields the equilibrium expression in Equation 2-4:
In the case of reversible reactions, it is also possible to make use of equilibrium relationships in order to indirectly calculate reaction constants. For example, calculate the reverse rate constant from the equilibrium condition in this way: