Turbulent Mixing
Use this node to account for the species mixing caused by turbulent flow, typically when the specified velocity field corresponds to a RANS solution. The node defines the turbulent mass diffusion from the turbulent kinematic viscosity and a turbulent Schmidt number.
This node is available if the Diffusion model is Mixture-averaged or Fick’s law.
The Turbulent Mixing feature should not be used together with the Reacting Flow coupling feature. In this case the turbulent mixing is added by the coupling feature.
The Turbulent Mixing subnode can be added from the context menu (right-click the Transport Properties parent node) or from the Physics toolbar, Attributes menu.
Turbulent Mixing
Physics interfaces capable of solving for turbulent fluid flow provide the turbulent kinematic viscosity, and these appear as options in the Turbulent kinematic viscosity νT (SI unit: m2/s) list. The list always contains the User defined option that makes it possible to enter any value or expression.
The default Turbulent Schmidt number ScT is 0.71 (dimensionless).