Here, n is the unit normal pointing out of the fluid domain,
u is the mass averaged velocity of the fluid mixture (SI unit: m/s),
ji denotes the mass flux of species
i relative to relative to the mixture (typically due to diffusion), and
Mi is the species molar mass (SI unit: kg/mol). Summing the mass balances at the surface, over all species, results in an effective mixture velocity:
referred to as the Stefan velocity, here denoted us. To reach
Equation 3-96 the fact that the sum of all mass fractions is one, and that the sum of all relative diffusive fluxes is zero, was used.
Equation 3-96 implies that surface reactions result in a net flux between the surface and the domain. A net flux in turn corresponds to an effective convective velocity at the domain boundary; the Stefan velocity. It should be noted here that when solving for mass transport inside a fluid domain, an outer boundary of the domain corresponds to a position just outside of the actual physical wall (on the fluid side). The domain boundary does not coincide with the physical wall.
Using a Reacting Flow interface, the Stefan velocity, defined in the manner of Equation 3-98, is automatically computed and applied on boundaries corresponding to walls in the coupled fluid flow interface. The Stefan velocity is prescribed in the wall normal direction on the wall selection.