The Boundary Stress node adds a boundary condition that represents a general class of conditions also known as traction boundary conditions.
The Boundary condition options for the boundary stress are
General stress,
Normal stress, and
Normal stress, normal flow.
When General stress is selected, the components for the
Stress F should be specified. The total stress on the boundary is set equal to the given stress
Normal Stress is described for the Open Boundary node.
For Normal stress, normal flow, the magnitude of the
Normal stress f0 should be specified. The tangential velocity is set to zero on the boundary:
When Include gravity is selected and
Use reduced pressure not selected in the interface
Physical model section, the
Compensate for hydrostatic pressure approximation (named
Compensate for hydrostatic pressure for compressible flows) check box is available and selected by default. When it is selected, the hydrostatic pressure is automatically added to the pressure entered in
f0 or
phydron is added to
F depending of the selected option.
The Turbulent boundary type options for this boundary condition are
Open boundary,
Inlet, and
If Normal Stress, Normal Flow is selected as the
Boundary condition, then to
Apply reaction terms on all dependent variables, the
All physics (symmetric) option should be selected. Alternatively, the
Individual dependent variables could be selected to restrict the reaction terms as needed.