About Darcy’s Law
In a porous medium, the global transport of momentum by shear stresses in the fluid is often negligible, because the pore walls impede momentum transport to the fluid outside the individual pores. A detailed description, down to the resolution of every pore, is not practical in most applications. A homogenization of the porous and fluid media into a single medium is a common alternative approach. Darcy’s law together with the continuity equation and equation of state for the pore fluid (or gas) provide a complete mathematical model suitable for a wide variety of applications involving porous media flows, for which the pressure gradient is the major driving force.
Darcy’s law describes fluid movement through interstices in a porous medium. Because the fluid loses considerable energy to frictional resistance within pores, flow velocities in porous media are very low. The Darcy’s Law interface can be applied to small-scale tasks in chemical engineering as well as to large-scale geophysical or hydrological tasks such as water moving in an aquifer or stream bank, oil migrating to a well, and even magma rising through the earth to a chamber in a volcano (see Ref. 1, Ref. 2, Ref. 3, and Ref. 4). Also set up multiple Darcy’s Law interfaces to model multiphase flows involving more than one mobile phase.
Darcy’s law describes flow in porous media driven by gradients in the hydraulic potential field, which has units of pressure. For many applications it is convenient to represent the total hydraulic potential or the pressure and the gravitational components with equivalent heights of fluid or head. Division of potential by the fluid weight can simplify modeling because units of length make it straightforward to compare to many physical data. Consider, for example, fluid levels in wells, stream heights, topography, and velocities. The physics interface also supports specifying boundary conditions and result evaluation using hydraulic head and pressure head. In the physics interface, pressure is always the dependent variable.