The Inlet node includes a set of boundary conditions describing the fluid flow and temperature conditions at an inlet. The applied conditions are controlled by the Flow Condition.
Flow Condition
Select a Flow conditionCharacteristics based (the default) or Supersonic.
For Characteristics based the current flow situation is analyzed using the inviscid flow characteristics at the inlet. This can be used to specify either a subsonic (Ma < 1) inlet or a supersonic inlet (Ma > 1).
For Supersonic the inlet flow is assumed to be supersonic.
Flow Properties
Specify the flow properties at the inlet in terms of the static or total pressure, static or total temperature, Mach number, and flow direction. By default Static input variables are used.
Select an Input stateStatic (the default) or Total. For either selection also enter values or expressions for the Mach number Ma0 (dimensionless) at the inlet. The default is 1.5.
For Static enter values or expressions for the Static pressure p0,stat (SI unit: Pa) and Static temperature T0,stat (SI unit: K).
For Total enter values or expressions for the Total pressure p0,tot (SI unit: Pa) and Total temperature T0,tot (SI unit: K).
The relationships between the static and total states are:
Select a Flow directionNormal inflow (the default) or User defined to specify an arbitrary flow direction. Then enter the components of the direction normal nM (dimensionless).
Turbulence Properties
This section displays when RANS is selected as Turbulence model type.
Using a turbulence model, specify the turbulence properties at an inlet. For the Turbulent Flow, k-ε model, specify turbulence quantities according to one of the following options:
Select Specify turbulence length scale and intensity to enter values or expressions for the Turbulent intensity IT (dimensionless) and Turbulence length scale LT (SI unit: m). IT and LT values are related to the turbulence variables via
For Specify turbulence variables enter values or expressions for the Turbulent kinetic energy k0 (SI unit: m2/s2) and Turbulent dissipation rate, ε0 (SI unit: m2/s3).
For The High Mach Number Flow, Spalart-Allmaras Interface, enter a value or expression for the Undamped turbulent kinematic viscosity υ0 (SI unit: m2/s).