Fundamentals of Electrochemistry Modeling
Electrochemical systems consist of electrically conducting media. These may be classified as electrodes or electrolyte. An electrode carries current by transport of electrons; normally the electrode is a conventional electrical conductor such as a metal. The electrolyte carries current by transport of charged chemical species (ions). Electrolytes are often salt solutions in water but may include salt solutions in other liquid solvents, as well as solids, such as concrete, which can conduct by transport of oxide ions. The electrical conductivity of an electrode is normally several orders of magnitude larger than the electrical conductivity of an electrolyte.
The Electrode-Electrolyte Interface
At the electrode-electrolyte interface, conventional electrical current in the electrode is converted into ionic current in the electrolyte. According to the overall conservation of charge, these currents must balance here. The conversion between the two types of current may arise due to electrochemical reaction (electrolysis) or capacitive charging.
Electrolysis occurs when a chemical species in the electrolyte exchanges one or more electrons with the electrode. Capacitive charging occurs when the potential of an electrode is changing, so that ions in the electrolyte are either attracted or repelled from the surface, drawing a current.
Batteries and fuel cells can also involve porous electrodes, in which an electrode material has a micro- or nanostructure that is permeable to electrolyte. The advantage of such a material is the great increase in the area of the electrode-electrolyte interface.
Note that all current must move in circuits. An isolated electrode-electrolyte interface cannot draw a net current, but a system with two such interfaces can. An electrochemical system with two or more electrodes in contact with electrolyte is called an electrochemical cell.
In an electrochemical cell with two electrodes, these electrodes are identified as an anode, at which the electrochemical reaction transfers electrons from electrolyte to electrode, and a cathode, at which electrons are transferred from the electrode to the electrolyte. Note that it is the direction of the current that will determine if an electrode reaction is anodic or cathodic. For a battery, for instance, the location of the anode and cathode will change depending on whether the battery is charged or discharged. (The general habit in the battery community to always denounce the positive electrode as the “cathode” is hence strictly only correct during battery discharge.)
Conventional electric current is the flow of positive charge, which is then from anode to cathode through the electrolyte. A closed circuit, conserving overall system charge, is formed by the flow of electric current in the electrode domains (and any electrical circuitry) from cathode to anode, and by the transport of ions through the electrolyte domains from anode to cathode.
Outputs of interest from a model
The experimentally measurable features of an electrochemical system are the external (lumped) current and voltage acting between the two electrodes. It is, in general, impossible to measure local current densities or potentials at different points on the surface of a conducting electrode, or at arbitrary points within an electrochemical system.
The advantage of physical modeling is the ability to investigate the full space-dependent behavior of the system under a wide range of circumstances to identify the reasons for the observed current-voltage relationship, and so to identify the appropriate physical conditions to optimize current and voltage as required.
The overall current-voltage curve of an electrochemical cell is also known as a polarization curve or, in an analytical context, a voltammogram. These curves are not unique but rather depend on the means by which the current or voltage is altered, since these lumped parameters are related to multiple physical effects with different length and time scales. Hysteresis in practical polarization curves is not uncommon.
Polarization curves are frequently nonlinear. The combination of nonlinearity and hysteresis means that electrochemical cells do not necessarily resemble “ideal” electrical components (such as a circuit of resistors and capacitors) in the sense of giving a predictable and linear current-voltage response.