Domain Sources
Use a Domain Sources node to add various sources to a domain. The feature adds right-hand side sources to either the continuity or the momentum equation.
The Domain mass source qsource and the Domain pressure source psource both contribute to the source term fp of the continuity equation. This is a monopole like source that acts uniformly in all directions. The two represent different formulations of the same source type.
The Domain velocity source usource and Domain force source fsource both contribute to the source term fv of the momentum equation. This is a dipole like source that acts in the direction of its vector. The two represent different formulations of the same source type.
All source terms can be any analytical or interpolation function of the time. The variable t is reserved to represent time in expressions.
Domain Sources
In this section, add one or more of the following sources:
Add a Domain mass source qsource (SI unit: kg/(m3·s))
Add a Domain pressure source psource (SI unit: Pa)
Add a Domain velocity source usource (SI unit: m/s).
Add a Domain force source fsource (SI unit: N/m3).